Your Guide on How to Change Coolant on Your Car
Once you take a look at your car then it is the one that will need the right fluids to run efficiently. The antifreeze or coolant is one of the important fluids that your car must have. It is this one that will help in preventing your car from overheating. This is needed since to absorbs excess heat in your engine. This is the reason why you will need to keep it on its normal level.
It is changing the coolant that you will need to do based on the mileage of your car. See to it that you are able to change your coolant after 60,000 miles up to 100,000 miles. You also can check the manual of your car to determine when you will have to change your coolant. You need to remember that your coolant should not run low. t is your radiator that might have a leak once your coolant runs low.
If changing the coolant is what you will be doing on your own then see to it that you are able to buy a new coolant for your car. It is also important that you will be buying a radiator flush product. What this does is that it clears out your cooling system. There are steps that you will need to follow after securing these things.
One of the first things that you need to do is mind your safety first. Always remember to not change your coolant while your engine is running. Let the engine cool down first before doing the procedure.
Removing the radiator cap and locating the drain plug is a thing that you will need to do next. Placing a pan under the drain plug is a thing that you will need to do to catch the old coolant. Loosening the plug and letting the coolant drain into the pan is the next thing that you will need to do.
Filling the cooling system with ware is the next thing that you will need to do. It is the remaining coolant that can be flushed out once you will do this one.
The next thing that you need to do is to put the radiator cap back on and run the engine for at least 10 minutes. Whenever this is done then water will be able to flow. Turn of the car and let it cool again. See to it that you are able to do this one at least 3 more times.-this service
Once done, it is now time to put the radiator flush to your cooling system. The radiator cap needs to be placed back on and run the engine again for 10 minutes.-click here for more
Letting the engine cool down is a thing that you will need to do once you are done. You can now close the drain plug and our the coolant into the cooling system.